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MB-3D was started because it's important to give God your first and best, and a mission like this cost money, that's where you can help. We understand everyone can't do what we’re doing, but giving to this mission financially is helping. Its helping make a difference in people's lives..In order for the ministry and myself to continue at this state, I will need $8,500 a month. The money will go towards things such as: Bills, Car, Studio, research hours, Music, and Merchandise.

"From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.”  - Luke 12:48 (NIV)


Having received a chaplaincy license, Chaplain Michael (Tarzan) Bonanno understands the responsibility to share what God has done for him, and to help people in his age group and those struggling with disabilities whether physical or spiritual; they must know that their disability doesn’t make them disabled. That though they know what it’s like to need, They Can Do All Things Through Him Who Strengthens them! We have everything I need to do this including: a camera, video editing software, a recording studio and other christian artists to work with for music, and, we’ve even got this sweet website you're on. We don’t however, have the exposure or the money; that seems to be the hardest part. Exposure and finances are very limited. I urge you to take this into prayerful consideration, and if God places it on your heart to do so, please donate through either the donate button up top or the Patreon link below.

God Bless