

  Michael Bonanno III had a stroke when he was 2 months old, it left him with no feeling, and very little motor skill on the right side of his body. At the age of 16, by request from a friend, he went to a church summer camp held at Keuka College; and on the second day, after a prayer from the youth pastor, he gained 80% feeling back.

After that he knew he couldn’t sit back and do nothing. MB-3D was the answer to God’s calling, to create music and other media to spread the love of God and to prove“Your Disability Doesn’t Make You Disabled."

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” Luke 12:48 (NIV)

This is the verse that struck a chord with Michael, being a life long comic book fan, the moment it was placed in front of him, he immediately connected it with the famous quote of the late Uncle Ben, “With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility.”